Sunday, February 24, 2008


K. This is going to be quick, gotta work tomorrow. (ugh). Haven't gotten too many *great* pics this weekend because we were fabulously busy. Congrats to Scott who had his bachelor party on Saturday. I so wish I could put a picture of Scott on the blog, the boys dressed him up real good. I really have a great one. But I think I'm too nice. Right now, things may change (ie. suck up now Scott, I have some good ammo :)
We made it to church this morning, Adalynn slept through Sunday School and then woke for the service. We took her out of the service twice, because she enjoys talking and playing (silly girl) during the sermon. Oops! She has started having "conversations" with us, we talk to her and she coos back. Quite consistently as well. She should, as she is a SuperBaby. And every SuperBaby needs a Super Safe Car Seat. So I got the inside word that a certain website is having a Britax car seat sale and we ordered Adalynn a Britax Boulevard. We like her Britax Companion that she is in now, and I can't put a price on her safety. (how is that for a roundabout ADD paragraph? my goodness!)
And on a totally other note, I'm crossing my fingers for spring...soon...even though we're supposed to get More snow tomorrow night. double Ugh. but this website/blog is sprucing me up and is getting me in the mood for warmer weather and SUN. I'm so gonna plant a garden! And it's going to be great.
At this point I must turn this screen off and watch the Oscars with my great hubby. We'll catch ya later with more fun. Can't you Hardly Wait?


Anonymous said...

First, you are desensitizing people to how cool SuperBabies in general, and my future SB, really are. Refrain use of the term for your admittedly adorable, but un-superhumanly talented baby.

Second, I decided to fight my pastor. Tell me what you think.
Guess which one is me.

Scott said...

Oh, just post the can't be THAT bad.....can it? Maybe I had more to drink than I though! ;) j/k