Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I think we have a superbaby on our hands, folks. Check out what Adalynn did yesterday.

Ok, so maybe not so much a superbaby as a chunk-o-lunk-this-is-my-food-hands-off kinda girl.

And why is it that you have the best picture ever and then the darn camera acts up? I love this smile...

But definately wish she wasn't quite as fuzzy. But alas, It is what it is.

One more to brighten your morning. (Well, maybe not, I'm in this one).

She fell asleep on me and it was cute. Disregard the funky hair though, that's my last haircut that I thought went as planned until I styled it. Now its froufy (yes, that's a word) and Uck. But until I can come up with something better, I'm stuck with it. Any ideas?

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