Thursday, March 6, 2008


Fine. Here's the mailbox story. Since some 'anonymous' person/people really really really really want(s) to hear it.

I texted Travis on Tuesday morning to see if Adalynn had woken yet. I get a text back 'call ya in a min'. Ok, I think, he's busy with our sweet daughter. Nope. He had let the dogs out, looked out the window, and said to himself, "hmmm. Odd new lawn ornament." Our neighbor's brother's girlfriend (figure that out) had backed out of their driveway, over the street, and ended up ON our mailbox ON the 3' tall snowbank. In a Bonneville. Quite impressive. So Travis got to be the 'manly man' and pull the F250 card and tow her Off the snowbank. (of note: this is the 2nd time he has had to pull this car off a snowbank. her boyfriend got it stuck on a snowbank in their driveway a couple of weeks ago.) Her boyfriend came over later and said, "Yea, she's having a bad day." (what gave him the first clue?) "She spilled coffee on herself on the way to school too". Total insult to injury. So in order to fix the lack of mailbox, in true redneck fashion, Travis filled a 5 gallon bucket with concrete and sank the 4x4. It is a gorgeous new addition to our house. We may keep it like this. Forever. (just kidding honey. i want it fixed at the first thaw. pulleeze!)

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