Sunday, September 20, 2009

FarM: The First Look

Now, in addition to a sickenly awesome amount of pictures and stories of our 2 daughters, I'm sure you're pleased to know you will be saturated with news of our adventures with this 16 acres. (16.6 to be exact, measuring from the right-of-way in the road. 16.3 from the roadside. i know you feel smarter for knowing this. and you're welcome.) But hey, consider it this way: when you, too, are ready to build your own mini-farm from the ground up, you'll have a blueprint to follow of what not to do. Or maybe what to do. The jury's still out.

On Friday the land was surveyed, hence the exact acreage report and our visit to tour our land. Well, what will be our land soon. While attempting to back in to the short 2-track, Travis made friends with this rock directly in front of him. Seriously, the rock kept wanting to meet the truck personally... not cool, but pretty funny as Trav must've repositioned, what, like 5 times? And really, I gotta give my city boy props, he does a pretty good job backing the truck.

Traveling through the woods, along the north side of the property first. The initial wooded part is fairly dense. According to the current owners, it was logged lightly maybe 5-10years ago? You can see all the underbrush (it must be a word, spellcheck didn't bling at me) growing up.

And yes, Banks and Rocky met the property. They LOVED it, with a capital L-O-V-E-D. I'm still brushing burrs out of Rocky, such is life.

Awwww. So cute...but I digress.

Here I am halfway back in the woods, looking to the east (back of the property). We are still following the north property line, but are jogging over to the Consumer's Electric side as it is a bit less dense. (consumer's borders our land to the north.) You can faintly see sunlight peeking through the trees in the back...I'm standing in a fairly low spot, but the land rises up sharply forming a ridge, and at the top of the ridge it opens up to this:

A beautiful, lightly wooded, serene spot (my high school biology teacher would be shaking his head to hear that description. my poor memory of ecosystems is failing me now.)

And that opens up to CORN. And a heck-uv-a-lot of it. Following the corn on the north side brings us to:

More woods. This is lightly wooded, but opening into a great, if not a little small, meadow.

Keely's enthused, but loving it. She is, can't you tell?!

So's Adalynn. We had to wait while Trav trekked 4-500' east of this point THROUGH CORN to find the property marker. Thank God he didn't get lost. All I heard when he yelled back to me was, "Mwer merowti mer wmejtmr". I didn't understand it either. Later he told me he was yelling at me to take a picture, he was holding high a piece of corn. Oops, totally missed that boat.

Oh, the CORN. I can't even spell it without CAPS. That's how overwhelming the vast acreage of 8' tall CORN is.

Here we're walking back west, around the second wooded area. In the far west you can see the woods again. And all the CORN in between. And right now, that pretty much sums it up. Mid-Oct the corn comes off and we'll be able to get a real good look at what we have to work with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks absolutely beautiful to ME!!!!
