Sunday, January 11, 2009

Adalynn... +1?

Walking into Adalynn's room used to be somewhat chaotic.

Chaotic. And messy. And pieced together. And the wrapping paper that I hide under the crib is showing. Hmm. Just noticed that. ANYWAY...

Ok, really, enough of that. I can't look at it anymore.

So, which a lot of you now know if you got (and READ) our Christmas card, we are expecting little "Nubby" Masselink in July. (So when he's older I'm sure he'll be upset we called him that, but later I'll post the first ultrasound...and really, he was nubby. And cute. But still nubby.) Because of Adalynn's brother/sister joining us, we decided that we are going to make them bunk together for a little while. Hahaha, poor kids.

To prepare Adalynn we decided to try to transition her into a toddler bed. So she helped me put it up.
And then got stuck.

And then got upset, and made the cutest "I'm upset, MooooooooM! Help Me!" face.

So I did. And this is how the room turned out:

I've got to say, I feel a lot more comfortable with this room then I did with the way it was before. It's somewhat decluttered and more kid friendly.

And Adalynn really does love her bed.
Unfortunately, the first night didn't go so hot. Aunt Amy, who so kindly let us borrow this bed, initally neglected to pass along the siderails. Adalynn is a very wild sleeper. By 10pm Travis had readjusted her once. By 12am Travis checked on her, and she was on the floor, about 3 feet away from the bed, and facing the opposite direction...still sleeping very soundly.
So I called Aunt Amy and asked what she did, and lo and behold, she dug up her siderails and ever since Adalynn has been a happy little camper, snuggled deeply under her covers. Last night I think she even slept with her head on the pillow all night. Diagonal, but still on the right side of the bed.

Oh baby, stop growing up so fast!


Tiffany said...

She is so stinking cute! Are you gonna find out what baby #2 is? I hope you do if you want my input. Oh, i'm super excited about the CSA. I have a friend whose dad is going to teach us to can tomatoes! Can you believe i'm excited about canning.

Kate said...

I am so excited for you! Adalynn will make a great big sister! Have fun!

Chris and Alyssa said...

Oh Wow! I was on your birth board (Nov. 07) and have been following the blog since :)

Anyway- we are ALSO expecting in July, and I just thought that was a neat coincidence. Congratulations, and good luck!

Adalynn looks SO cute!