Sunday, June 8, 2008


A long, long time ago in a land far, far away I was terrified of storms. "Really?" I hear you say. "I don't believe it". But, it's true. Especially tornadoes, the thought freaked me out. I like to say I had a Healthy Fear of storms, but really it was more embarrasing. I cried, wailed, screamed...anything to make it go away. My dad tried diversion and comforting, nothing worked.
But now that I'm older and more mature and in control of my feelings, thunderstorms intrigue me. And we've had a few lately that will make you shiver in your shoes. Thunder that makes Banks whine and run for cover drives me to look out the window at the amazing display of lightning fill the air, then cringe, then's a vicious cycle.

But they can really screw up your plans. Take today. We were minding our own business playing in the water at the lake. (and getting clothes for Adalynn from Grandma Kathy. Thanks SO Much, they are beautiful!)

When we saw this in the background.

And it quickly became this:

Then this.

And we decided it was time to go inside. Just in time too, because then this happened on the other side of the lake:

And the rain visited us. And then, 10minutes later, it was over. And the calm after the storm? Now that was beautiful.

But storms can be evil too. Like yesterday night, driving home white-knuckled on the steering wheel and peering through the windshield like I had tunnel vision. Nevermind you that my beloved husband and daughter snoozed through it even though I was convinced that Airforce One was landing on top of us. Unfortunately, our storms lately have been disastrous and deadly.

See the house on the left? By the fir trees? (it's a log home. a bit camoflauged in this picture, wouldn't you say?) We're pretty sure it's sitting in water.

The road in front of that house was flooded and tree-covered.

These poor people lost their driveway and most of their yard.

Ahhh nature. Always reminding us who's in control, aren't you?

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