Monday, May 19, 2008

I've hit the BIG 6-0

6.0 months that is.

And I gotta tell you, I'm getting the hang of life. Mama says being 6 months old doesn't make me an expert, but I gotta disagree. I get what I want, and that's all that matters.

I'm prefer not to call myself spoiled, but rather Decisive-and-Willing-to-Make-a-Scene-to-get-what-I-want. Such as:

1. Food. I *love* all food, all shapes and kinds, and especially if mom and dad are eating it. Knawing on bread is a current fave.

2. Books. I *love* them all. My favorite book (or ad, newspaper article, pamphlet...I don't discriminate) is THE one that Mom is reading currently. While I'm sure written information is important, I like the taste and consistency of the cover and pages the best.
3. Talking. or Fake Coughing. Hahahaha -cough- -cough- -cough-. Keeps 'em on their toes.
4. Moving. Currently my modus operandi is rolling. However, mom was pushing me around on my crotch rocket yesterday and I think I'm in love.

So much, in fact, that when mom stopped for bedtime I cried pathetically. Which normally guilts my parents into action, and it got me 2 extra rides till it quite working...double darn. Note to self: Need to acquire new manipulative skills. Hmmm....

I guess I can't really complain. After all, I did get a 6 month birthday party.

Mom baked me a cake. I couldn't have any. Boo Hoo.

And I hung out with my cousins and played till exhaustion.

So here I am. Ready to travel a path of growing and learning this summer (haha. so mom and dad think. more like terrorizing and mischiefing. Bring it On PeePs.)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

woo hoo! i can't believe she's 6 months old! getting cuter everyday. do you guys have mariokart yet?