Monday, June 25, 2012


Thursday through yesterday (Sunday) we painted. And painted. And painted. Went to church, then painted some more. God placed people at specific intervals to come help; just when we were thinking of taking a break fresh hands would show up. God is good! And many thanks to you who did help, you were a HUGE blessing!
So here's how it worked. By the end of Friday, the house was primed. Friday evening T and I rant into the Home DePot to pick up the interior paint color as well as the girls. Saturday we tackled layer 1 on the ceilings, which are a beautiful Asiago color.

The girls really enjoyed painting. Here's a "Before" picture:

This totally displays my 2 girls' personalities. Cracks me up!

J alternated between sleeping in this nifty wagon, being held, or hanging out in his bouncy seat. Such a good kid!

This is a totally dark, unedited picture. T and our brother-in-law, Scott, are painting the mud room with the first coat of Organic Garden.

The main bathroom is a bright yellow, Cornmeal.

The first coat of Oatmeal-something is on the girls' walls (which will be alternated with Wild Strawberry), and the great room is cut in with the same color.

Our bedroom is cut in with Smoked Oyster, a rich color which will soothe us to sleep. We hope.

Color choices and placement are complements of my sister aka awesome-interior-designer-minus-degree-she-should-be-getting-paid-for-this (but for my sake, I'm thankful she's still at amateur status). I was having a hard time visualizing the house and breaking up the rooms to where color should (and should not) go. She rocked, bringing out color swatches and spending a morning helping to figure it all out.

The exterior is coming along too. It's starting to look like a house!


Jean said...

A friend posted this on facebook and I thought of you! :)

Cara said...

Jean, I love it! Thanks so much!