Monday, October 12, 2009

Stop the abuse!

Oh man. I'm loving the comments, really, from the Pony-Pony post. You guys are too much. And I never know where to reply to these comments, so I'm going for it. Because I've missed them.

Laura - I think they're super lucky too. And yes, I've found that I am pathetically living vicariously through my children already. They're in for a rude awakening.

Jean - I LOVE THE NAME MOLLY JEAN. It is SO cute. :) Ok, had to get that out of my system. The corn maze - Super Fun! But, I think they're razoring the corn. Or whatever they do when they cut it down far. But really, Dairy Goats? So here's my stance (and therefore the FarM stance) on goat dairy products:

They Taste Like Goat.

I can't get past it. I think they taste just like they smell. At first I was very against even owning goats. But I do respect their ability to eat grossly inedible objects, and I think this may be necessary in our heavily wooded situation. Bottom line: Once we're in, I'd try it.

And last but not least. Kate. When did you become such a comedian? I have to put this out here, because my response won't make sense unless you read Kate's comment:

This means you are definately not pregnant, right? :)

Ha. Ha. Saying I would shoot myself is a strong statement. But maybe. Just in the pinky toe.

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