Monday, February 15, 2010

This Week

This week, I'm intentionally slowing down. Last week consisted of multiple trips into town for various errands, none of which produced excitement other than the obligatory Costco run. On the plus side, we finally finished tasks that have hung around since Christmas, yes, Christmas. Yikes!
On Saturday I arrived home from work to find a lovely package awaiting me. Upon opening, I discovered a cone of light grey Marr Haven yarn. I'm super excited, and cast on my first project Saturday night. This yarn is superbly authentic.

Adalynn and Keely shout out a "Happy Valentine's Day Y'all!". Most of their Valentine's gifts consisted of wearables due to their rapid growth rate, leading to Adalynn's initiation of multiple clothing changes a day when they soil with the slightest drop of water. Keely just poops on 'em.
Without further ado, the babes:

While teasing smiles out of the girls, Rocky joined in and howling filled the air.

Which made Adalynn start to howl.

Adalynn's - now the big 2 and 3 months - current favorites include dancing and Jim Gill's CD "Irrational Anthem". This girl is displaying some serious signs of cabin fever. Keely, 7 months yikes!, is perfecting the army crawl before mastering the real thing, she really enjoys extracting toys from boxes, pulling a quick move to dip her hand in a bowl of food, and chewing on anything that relieves tooth pain.

In all, they're fabulous. Growing like weeds, and fabulous. Love you, girls!

1 comment:

Barbara Marr said...

Cara, I have a small picture and video on my blog now of the new lamb. Hope Adalynn can see it okay.