Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thank God it's SPRING!!!

Finally, it seems, that Spring has decided to grace us with it's presence. Warm weather and sunshine...our lawn is loving it, and is blessing us with the arrival of mysterious green stuff.

Last summer/fall I faintly remember planting bulbs and flowers through my preggo haze. Darned if I remember what they are though, so this spring I feel like I'm recieving multiple presents. I'm pretty sure I flapped when I saw the first flower. (this, for those of you who don't know, is a symbol of excitement, resembling a bird flapping it's wings. it's not necessarily pretty, but when you're flapping you don't always know what you're doing. and you're so happy, that you really just don't care.)

To make life easier for me, please play the "Name the Flowers" game with the pictures below. BUT - you HAVE to know what you're talking about, or you're not being nice. I am easily confused.

1. The PURPLE Flower

2. The YELLOW Flower

3. The GREEN Flower

(k, I'm not really THIS stupid. these are Tulips in the making.)


Post a comment if you know what they are. I'd love to have a prize for the person who gets them right first, but really, I don't know the answers so I don't think it would be fair for me to judge. Help a poor wanna-be gardener out, wouldya?


Bass 2 said...

OK- I promised I'd help you with this. Crocus, Daffodil, Tulip. In that order. Unless the Daffodil is actually a Narcissus- they are hard to tell apart. But whatever they are the squirrels won't like them as much as your tulips.

Kate said...

somebody beat me to the punch. Oh well, Your crocus is beautiful. Love the purple. I think it is a daffodil too, although, it really is hard to tell... It is so nice that spring has finally come!!!