...and not just because she rocks her cowgirl boots with her jammies, or has a killer milk mole (it's the new milk mustache).
Tonight we were out feeding, as has become our custom to do together most nights. She's a great help, and awesome company and I get time to talk with her about what's going on in that grand mind of hers. She mentioned about how Daddy and I were probably going to die before her, and I said, "Yes, probably", and about how she wants to die at the same time as her friends because she's worried she's never going to find them otherwise. I assured her that if we all believe in Jesus than we will all be together in Heaven. She solidly answered, "I Believe" (see, how can you not love her?) and we proceeded to use our chicken herding sticks to perform a funky "Believers" high five. (yes, we're wierd).
I've been trying to incorporate more of the Bible in our homeschooling. There's an awesome lady who homeschools with a blog called Simply Living for Him. This year she has taken it upon herself to use the Bible as their main text. It's awesome, and I love the idea and really want to, and am trying, to teach A, K and J to have a love of the Bible as well.
So as we were feeding I began thinking about how I need to teach her about sin and Adam and Eve, and about forgiveness, and the whole salvation story, and we should go over the verses in Romans that guides us in asking Christ into our hearts. I start talking to A about sin outside, and she pipes up and says, "I know about sin. It's when we do bad things, like yelling, and texting while driving."