Friday, November 27, 2009

Read the Fine Print.

While perusing Craigslist this morning, specifically the "Farm & Garden" section (we're regulars.), I came across this:

Grass fed beef for sale $1.79 per pound (North Door / New Salem)

Grass Fed Beef For Sale,
Happy Cows Come From New Salem and North Dorr
Raised on pasture, grain, and hay. Watered from an artesian well. No growth hormones. The meat is available in quarters, halves, or wholes. You may want to split it with some of your family members or friends. Hanging weight will be approximately 800 pounds per whole. Actual hanging weight will vary and will be given at time of slaughter. Our beef will be processed at Byron Center Meats in Byron Center, Michigan. They have a great, new facility. (only 2 year old) All of the meat will be processed into cuts per your request, labelled, vacuum packed, boxed up, and froze for pick up. You can check out their website at or call at (616) 878-1578
„P 1.79/lb. per pound hanging weight (includes butchering fee)
„P You pay processing cost at Byron Meats
„P $.45/lb. whole or half processing.
„P $.48/lb. for split halves processing
The beef animals will be ready starting in December through spring. We will need a $100 deposit when placing your order and full payment must be made before picking up your meat.
Contact: ........

I'm not gonna lie. Initially, I was interested. We are almost out of our beef from last year, we LOVED it, and want more. While we can't grow our own yet we would like to get another grass fed, no hormones, no antibiotics, BeeF. MMmmm.

Then I read it again, and this caught my eyeball:
Raised on pasture, grain, and hay.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Grass-fed, yes. But not exclusively! And to title it Grass fed beef for sale, they are intentionally marketing to people who are searching for the "grass-fed" piece, who are aware of the benefits of exclusively grass-fed, healthy, happy meat. Mean People!

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