Monday, May 4, 2009

New Week, New Name

I'm pulling Jolene down a day early. It's rating mediocre, and life is too short for mediocrity. The last couple of days Travis has searched the baby book looking for other names that we might consider naming our precious child, and the one we both are contemplating is "Gwen". I'm thinking "Gwen Elizabeth Masselink"...with a name like that, she's sure to be a GEM of a child. HARDY-HAR-HAR. Com'on, it was a really bad pun, but at least snicker for me?
In preperation for this child we pulled down some of our baby stuff from the attic not too long ago. I brought the swing inside to save it from Travis' wrath in the garage. At first, Adalynn gingerly placed one leg inside the seat and tried to swing her tush around to sit down...but now she's getting the picture that it's "Baby's Swing" and likes to push her babies in it. Sweet child. So this past weekend I constructed the pack'n'play with the bassinett and changing table. We hope to get Adalynn to forget about this stuff, or at least play with her Babies on it, not herself. But after 15minutes of playing the pack'n'play and not being able to climb out, she figured that maybe it's not that fun after all and really hasn't touched it since. Yes, I'm sure this will change once another being is taking up residence in those objects, but oh well. It's good entertainment for Adalynn in the meantime.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Back to work, back to work! Grrrrrr......

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

If you are going to name your baby Gwen, it's middle name should at least be Tiffany!!! LOL Love it by the way and the great one will be ecstatic.