This is Colin and Tiffany.
So. I've been waiting to blog about our camping trip to IN where Trav and I met up with Colin and Tiffany. I worked with Tiffany at Vanderbilt (who, by the way, is football...keep up with me). Tiffany, a fabulous speech-language pathologist, and her husband Colin were kind enough to drive up and meet us halfway for T's and I's first AduLt OnlY weekend since Adalynn came to be. I was waiting until I got the pictures off of T's camcorder. Which unfortunately broke as soon as we arrived at Patoka Lake...the display was showing everything in mirror images. But. It still gave the appearance that it was working, so we tried using it. However, the pictures and video never recorded onto the SD card, so they are lost. Forever. And now we only have limited pictures of the trip...but, that may be a good thing. The jury's still out.
We met in Clarksville, IN so that T and I could pick up a tripod grill. And we were so glad that we did. We never knew how much this great piece of equipment would change our lives. Or how hard they are to find at the end of camping season. So. If you ever get a chance, we recommend the purchase of this product.
We camped at Patoka Lake State Resevior, which was beautiful, but a Very Long Way from the highway. Next time, we are choosing a place closer to the highway. I can't handle the stress of driving forever in places I'm not familiar with on backroads. Or the stress of Travis driving on backroads he's unfamiliar with. It's not pretty.
The park is secluded and beautiful and restful and everything that a mini-vacation should be. And the bathrooms were Clean. Minimal to no bugs to be seen. It was amazing.
Patoka lake is Huge. And it was just a short walk from our campsite.
Trav and I napped each afternoon, something quite out of our normal routine. We biked forever, ate funky mexican food, and kayaked. Our last dinner we ate at a ma and pa place named "Jan and Jim's". We never did meet Jan, but Trav met Jim up close and personal when Jim yelled out "Travis" loudly to return his receipt. Poor Jan. Looked like she had quite the guy to keep up with.
Oh Jim. We might have to return just to see if you're still there. We had quite a time trying to figure out what happened to Jan. Even got Tiffany snorting.
Tiffany has a lovely snort.
In addition to the daytime activities, we also played a lot of Catch Phrase. Which, Colin can be amazingly good at...or bad at. There is no middle. How many phrases can you think of with the clue "A lot of people are there....birthday ______...." Evidently, a lot. Bash, Rave....those never came to my mind, but Colin, you have claimed the position as Travis' walking thesaurus. Congrats.
Colin and Tiffany also introduced us to Cha Cha...a wonderfully grand service made by people who have waaaay too much time on their hands. Have a question? Text "Cha Cha" and ask'll get a text back with someone's answer. Very interesting, the things you can ask and the answers you will recieve. By the way, Trav, yes. You do have wierd habits. But I love you anyway.
In conclusion, Thanks Colin and Tiffany for a great trip. And thanks Dad and Linda for watching the Sweetest Pea Ever so that we could have some "alone" time. It was refreshing and fun.