K peeps. I loathe typing on my phone, and the phone posts look weird because of the odd picture size, but it's what I've got right now. So. I'll bore your eyes for a bit, then when I get sick of typing I'll just load up some pics of the most adorable children ever.
So the week of the house fire, A's pony, her birthday present when she turned 1 -year-old, passed away. Plus multiple car/truck issues, it was a rotten week.
I wanted to tell you that, so that when I show pictures of our new horse it's not alarming - like thinking really, what they needed was a new horse? But I could only take so much of Grimmie following us around with his nose on our shoulder before I folded and bought him a friend. Although, the bite mark on his shoulder and the way he hangs his head over the gate makes me think they aren't exactly BFF, if you know what I mean. But he'll get her back when he leaves for training this weekend.
In house news, our first restoration company quit on Monday. So the fire investigation was done this past Wednesday, we should be ready to go, an the company quits. But we have another that we called Monday afternoon, met them on Tuesday morning, and they are raring to go. Which is good, because I love camping, but preferably not in my front yard.
Baby J has turned 1!!!!!!! This kid rocks my world, he's great. For his birthday he got a cupcake and ice cream cone, as we'll as a bucket of water to play in. What 1 year old wouldn't love that?
My fingers are cramping. I'm out ya'll.
PS. The pigs are doing awesome! Go Bacon! And free rototilling!!!