Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ryan's Day...a multiple birthday celebration. And other things.

My mother, the poor woman, had the impossible task of finding 1 day (yes, just 1 day) that my sister and her family and my brother could come together to celebrate Ryan's birthday. That was on June 17. Finally, on Sept 4, we had this day. But by then my sister's birthday had occurred on the 3rd of Sept, Travis' is in the near future on the 9th, and mine is on the 17th (remember that, the most important day of the year). So after careful deliberation and forceful persuasion (what can i say, i like presents), we celebrated us all.
Since our family has such a strong, magnetic (read: obsessive) pull towards the Big Lake we traveled, once again, out to Holland. Where we met and ate all day. Really, that's what we did. But we did it on the beach, so it's ok.
Sidenote, when potty training, is it ok to bring a port-a-potty with you wherever you go? I'm guilty. Yes. We had a potty on the beach. Yes. Adalynn used it when necessary. No. I did not empty the potty on the beach. That spells Big Party Foul. Not cool, man.

Keely actually woke up a couple of times for this occasion. This is what she thinks of family gatherings.

We're working on her. Really, she has too big of a family to be making faces already. Too bad, baby.
So we were hanging out, and down the channel comes this big freighter.

Pretty impressive. And hilarious. Paving the way for the freighter was a 2-boat Coast Guard team. They totally turned around boats that would have made it through the channel with oodles of time to spare. One large sleeper in particular had neared Lake Mac, maybe had 10' to go to be home free...nope, sorry buddy, had to turn around. Which he did. Slowly. Reluctantly. Poor guy.
My favorite part was when the man sneaked some peeks out the window.

Adalynn wasn't too sure of what to think, except that he tooted his horn LOUDLY many times. Not cool in a 21-month old's book.

Now, when we ask her what the boat says, she yells, "HONK, HONK".

I just liked this picture. Everybody say, "Awwww".

And family pictures. Us children escaped the misery this time, but the grandchildren were still forced to comply; sitting closely together and pasting on some smiles.

Evidently Mom and Amy sang and danced quite animatedly behind me, making it easy on the chillun's to smile with glee.

They are cute, aren't they? Thanks, Mom, it was a good day. Great company, fun times, good food, PRESENTS, what more can you ask for?!? (and yes, despite the caps, those were listed in order of importance).


In other Family Masselink news, I will share transparently. We are contemplating (as in we have perused, reviewed, researched, and have put an offer in) purchasing 16.43 (according to T's calculations) acres. I am sharing this that you may pray for our family as we are embarking on this Very Huge Step, a Large Leap really. Initially, when we heard of this land through the grapevine, I wanted to look without the intention of truly being serious about buying. There are many reasons that purchasing land is not a good idea right now: 1. The Michigan economy stinks, 2. We almost killed each other finishing the basement, do we really think we can build a house and manage a farm?, 3. Really, God? Now? Just when things were going to calm down a little in our life and we were heading into a nice, quiet winter? you can see, I felt like the odds were against us. Yet, purchasing land eventually is an idea that Travis and I have dreamed about for a while. I've prayed, from the start, that God's will be done. That He will open doors if this is His will, close them if not. In praying this, to be truthful as the odds were so stacked against us, I thought that surely a large obstacle would plomp right in our trail and this silly notion of buying land would fade away for a couple of years. So far though, doors have been opening. It's scary, I know that if we get this land God has a plan for it. I just hope that we have the strength to carry it out. So, pray for us please, and we will keep you posted on the possibility of Farm M. Thank you!

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