Nana, Aunt J, Naomi, Adalynn, Keely and I had a ball this morning at the Swiss Lane dairy farm in Alto, MI, engaging in a program that they call "
Dairy Discovery". Last week I scoured the internet for fun, interesting activities for Adalynn...some which would allow her to socialize with other kids, so she wouldn't get too bored hanging out with Keely and I this summer. I came across the
West Michigan Parents Network website, and they advertised this dairy farm tour as an activity. And so we decided to check it out.
Keely possibly could have cared less, resting easily in Aunt J or Nana's arms for the duration.
First, we sampled dairy products. After all, we had to know what we were getting ourselves into. Chocolate milk and cheese later, we were fueled up and ready to go.
Starting at the beginning, we saw little baby calves. Most were Keely's age - born in July. The farm keeps all the cows to rotate into their dairy herd, but sells the bull calves at the auction.
Which meant that these little calves needed to eat. Lucky us, we got to feed them! Hello little suction cups...I'm glad that Keely isn't that strong! Adalynn helped hold the bottle. The calf was a little rambunctious and needy for her to complete the task independently.
Then we saw more cows....
The cows housed here are taking a break from milking and are ready to give birth, sometime in the next 2 months.
Adalynn and Naomi were too cute, all holding hands and sticking together. Awww...
The kiddos got a chance to check out the playground while waiting. Super fun, but it was getting hot!
Then it was our turn to step inside the milking parlor. Holy Udders! This parlor runs 22 hours a day, closed down 2 hours for cleaning. Adalynn was a little hesitant about the pumps...they had a mind of their own. They must have had a sensor for when they were done milking, and automatically detached themselves and hung themselves up. I can totally see her hesitation, it was a little freaky the first time we saw it happen and it reminded me of a scene from Arachnophobia (i would think. i never actually saw the movie).
Adalynn enjoyed herself, talking about cows, Naomi, Nana, and more all the way home. Now she's crashed...I whole-heartedly recommend it. Educational, and great for wearing the kiddos out!