Friday, February 29, 2008

Wish List

Travis' mom and stepfather left for a trip to St Thomas, St Johns, and around that neck of the world. Lucky-ducks. But anyway, here's a piece of my dear husband's intricate and fascinating mind that he passed on to his mother prior to their departure:

Go wild. Good one babes.

We really hope they do get something for Adalynn that she can drool on, since that seems to be her favorite game as of late. The other games she was playing today include: 1. Lets see how short of a nap I can take. 2. Let's see how long I can get mommy to hold me for by crying every time she puts me down. 3. How much liquid poo can a diaper hold? and 4. How many fingers can I get in my mouth at one time? (with the preference being for a whole fist). Really, I think this sums it up..

Poor, poor Banks. What a trooper. It has got to be so humiliating to be the subject of the Masselink's allergy test. Cheaper than the docs office.

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