Saturday, July 28, 2012

FarMin a Tile Shower...and beautiful days!

The big T helped me tile the shower today. Turns out that neither one of us would cry if we never put another piece of tile on in our lives, but it was fun to hang out together and many, many thanks to our moms for playing with the kids while we completed this daunting task.

It still looks kind of nasty with the waterproofing around it, but at least it will get us in the house. (well, once grout is applied tomorrow, and sealer on Tuesday).

John (Papa) is working on our countertops. We are so thankful, we love them! Today he brought out and installed the counter for our master bath. It's gorgeous, and we're so excited to use them!

On the other wall is T's's still hanging, though T had his doubts.

After the tile extravaganza we took a few breathers to enjoy the beautiful day. Gator rides were a must...

...along with a fire (burning our "House for Sale" sign...woo hoo!)...

...and playing in the "sand box"...(a pile of sand, but it doesn't take much to make them happy!).

We're hoping to schedule final inspections on Friday. Then, it's likely we'll need to change what they don't like, so we'll hopefully be in the house in a week or 2. Thank God!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

FarMin a Shower

'cause seriously, that's what it feels like! Below is the master shower, as lovely as it is dressed in black waterproofing tar. We're covering that baby up with some tile. WaChow!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

FarM Progress

I'll be honest - I'm exhausted right now. Way to tired to be witty and bright, and certainly over fatigued.

I returned to work this week.

I love my coworkers, but I'm tired.

As evidenced by my incessant rambling.

So I'm going to stop and just show the pictures displaying the kitchen and girls' bath progress.

And our bathroom.

None of which will have water until next week. But that's another story.

Without further ado, the pictures. Buenos Noches.

Friday, July 20, 2012

FarMin us some Rocks

We're living our lives by The Code these days...many parallels can be drawn between following the building code to build a safe, liveable, and law-abiding home and following God's code as stated in the Bible when living our daily lives. Here at FarMasselink we are striving to do both. 
So, according to the building code we must have 3' from the west (left) side of the porch before the ground drops, in order to not have a railing on that side of the porch. Something about safety, not that our clumsy selves would ever fall off the side of the porch ( would be me, I know it!).
God's code, in Matthew 7:24-27 says the following about wise and foolish builders:

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

I think of these verses often while building our house, mainly because our land is VeRy RoCkY. And while trying to find a retaining wall that we like and can afford, I came across these Gabion Baskets and knew that it would be the perfect reminder to follow God's code (as well as a handy way to get into gear picking up the rocks in the field before they plant pasture this fall). 
So these baskets rock (ha ha ha). They arrived by truck on a pallet.

No pictures of unloading the pallet, because it was the truck driver and I, and no pictures unfolding and putting them together, because that was my father and I. But hopefully you get the idea: If I can do it, most anyone can do it.

After constructing the basket and digging digging digging the platform that you want them on, the next job is to put landscaping fabric behind and fill fill fill with rocks.

We're still filling.

Hi T!

FarMin some Finish Paint and other random one-liners. Mmmm....

Mud room, J's room/Office/Homeschool room, and Main Bath painting are DoNe.
Translation: It is almost safe to talk with us with no fear of being asked to paint.

Kids are tuckered, but oh, so cute!

Adalynn grabbed my camera....

And built a house out of the stove box. I love her ingenuity...notice the tape "decorations"...but she is adamant that the one on the far right is fly tape (ugh), complete with white "flies". And the one-liner is:
Forget the heart, it's FlyTapethat makes a house a home.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oh. My. Lands.

House building aside, we have been freakishly busy. But it's awesome, and God's giving us strength in this final mile of finishing the FarMhouse for occupancy, and yet allowing us to enjoy our youngest daughter's 3rd birthday and my brother's graduation.
My brother's graduation. He is FinAllY (just kidding bro) finished with school to be a Physical Terrorist Therapist. He is now Dr. Ryan Borck, and we are proud of him.
Thursday he spoke in front of peers, public, and family to present his case study. He's moving ahead to get it published, a great feat!

Saturday we came together for the final graduation, and following open house. It was great to see family and friends that we hadn't for a while, and a blessing to celebrate Ryan's accomplishments.

Random baby pic.

K's 3rd birthday was Thursday, and we spent the day doing (mostly) what K wanted to do. This included swimming and picking out a book at Barnes and Noble, a family birthday tradition. This year she chose Pinkalicious. Super cute, if you get the chance.
Sunday we returned to town to celebrate Pastor Jim's 50th year in the ministry. We drove to Papa and Nana's afterwards for K's birthday party. She was so super excited; she's been talking about it for a week. Papa and Nana prepared "make your own" pizza's (they were fabulous) and hosted the huge swimming party. At one time, Papa counted 17 people in the pool! A few pictures follow...

FarMhoose news. (I'm not sure why the kids are so tired?)

Last week....Friday? The kids and I were at the FarM and painted the final wall on the main floor, finishing up the first coat of paint. We had told the girls they could help with their bright (T says "Blinding") Wild Strawberry walls. Help they did, and we got it done! This color, a funky mixture between red and pink, is so them. 

The ceiling fan is up in our room.

And today I primed the laundry and the guys poured our top coat of color on the floor. Isn't this a delicious chocolate color? I want to eat it up!

I'm a little bit distressed that flys are skating (and drowning) on my floors while they are drying, but I'm sure it'll turn out ok. If nothing else, it adds character.

Baby J and I picked up some rocks, but it's too dog-gone hot and he wasn't having it. We came home for naps and a shower, which he is currently doing and I'm going to run off to. 

This is the last week before I return to work. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our family and friends who have helped through this process. We are seeing God's grace so much through this process, I (and He) knows we couldn't do it without your help. We are forever grateful. Thank you!