Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Peeps

Merry Christmas! I just had to pull out this picture from a year ago. Can you believe how much this child has changed? I'm pretty sure that when she's older she may hate me for ever doing this to her, but at 1month, she really didn't have a choice. Her personality really shines now. Right now she's sitting on the floor making Trav play with her. And every time he gets up to try to work a little, she cries. She is learning too quick. Oops, he just snuck off. We'll see how long this blog is now, it may just be a bunch of pictures with no explanation.

Well, we *hope* that your Christmas was as full and wonderful and lovely as ours. We spent much time with family...and eating. and eating. and eating. Christmas Eve morning we traveled to my Dad and Linda's house for a HUGE breakfast. After which we opened presents.

We got headlamps. And they are so cool. And we are so cool wearing them. I even wore mine to the barn last night, rock on.

This is my brother, Ryan. He's a little different. He got this pink hat for Christmas, he wanted something to show off his more "feminine", not really. It's our neice's and Ryan was using it as earmuffs. Us Borcks, we can be loud.

Adalynn got a movie to watch. She really took a liking to movies and pictures...Travis gave me a picture frame with Adalynn, Kelsey, and Banks' pictures on Christmas. I showed it to Adalynn and she "ooohed" and "aaaahhhhed" for almost 5 minutes. I mean, I loved it, but 5 minutes?!

The gift that my nephew, Henry John, prized most is his brand spankin' new Fender Guitar and Amp. As he told my sister, "It's so shiny black!".

Here he is getting in the groove.

And putting on a concert. Check out that concentration!

Rock Star in Training for sure. He takes drum lessons now, and I guess they'll have to add in guitar lessons too. I mean, really, can you have this awesome of a guitar and NoT take lessons?

Adalynn got this rockin' pony. It looks quite like Kelsey, and when it's ear is pressed it starts galloping (well, sounds like it is), whinnies, and then snuffles. It's head moves up and down and it's muzzle even moves side to side. Kelsey2 can even live in our home with us! She's quite easy to take care of. We're easing Adalynn into this whole responsibility thing.
After presents we bundled up and walked across the street to the golf course, where we partook in the tradition of sledding. This being Adalynn's first year sledding, she was initiated using her brand new inflatable sled with back rest. And let me tell ya, I wish I had the service she had. She was pulled out to the hill, I'd run half way down and someone would push her. She flew down the hill, being a half-pint and able to skim the surface of the snow, until I caught her as she was traveling 50mph with an "Oomph!". Or so it seemed, really. She LOVED it, had this huge grin on her face...and she she learned that she could "ask" to go again, and we were worked pretty hard. It must be easy when you're being carried back up the hill.
We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening at Travis' mom's, traveling to his Aunt Jane's house for a short while to visit his dad's side.

Nik, Keagan, Caleb, and Max were SupEr excited about their presents. It was so hard for them to wait!
Nana gave Adalynn her first ponytail. Adalynn wasn't so sure, but she looked cute.

Naomi opened her bitty baby doll, quite enamored with making sure that her baby was going to be barefoot by the end of the night.
Adalynn took a nap, and made it through 75% of LaGrave's candlelight service before we returned home.
Christmas Day...
We stayed home and made people visit us. And ThaT was a GREAT idea.
In the morning, we woke late and opened our stockings and presents.
I didn't realize that Adalynn's sock situation was in such dire straits that even she was aware and embarrassed...she was definately in love with her 2 new packs of socks. Best gift ever, I guess.

Um...hello....where did my socks go?

You have other gifts dear. Adalynn's gift from Travis and I, besides the socks, was her ball pit.
She loves it, but isn't too thrilled when the balls get away from the pit. My little cleaner-upper actually walks around and picks up the balls, putting them back in the pit. What a good girl.

Early afternoon my mom, brother, Dad, Linda, Ed, and Deb came down for a scrumptious dinner complete with ham, turkey, mash-ed potatoes, corn (whole, for sure for potato toppings, right Trav?), and Raspberry pie and brownies to polish it all off. Mmmmmm.
Later, Rennae and John came out and brought us their presents. They had found us a Wii Fit, which is awesome...except maybe the best time to do it is NoT directly after a huge dinner!
Merry Christmas, hope everyone's was Great and can't wait to hear about them! Take care.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh, Christmas Tree!!

We have an odd Christmas tradition. It involves poor, lost, forlorn trees who need a good home. And we give them one.

This tradition, partially born out of our really bad judgement regarding measurements and mixed with our dutch ancestry, leads us into falling for really good deals. (i.e. really big trees for little price tags.) And really, although our poor trees may look lost and small in the field, they are *beautiful* and SO full of character once we bring them home.

Our Lovely Tree. Travis RealLy didn't want to use the sawzaw (sp? I really don't know. But this is what it sounds like...) on our tree in the house 2 years in a row, but oops. It had to happen.

At least the boys provided moral support. Or they were laughing, we're not sure.

Once trimmed, Travis abandoned me for the warmth of a fire. Seriously, boys... So, up went the first line of lights.

And here's the finished product. A little eclectic. But very, very fun. And Adalynn loves it, of course. :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just Because

we happen to have the cutest daughter ever, you are going to be saturated with pictures and silly antedotes starring her. First she traveled to the barn with me to feed and let out Kelsey. And subsequently cried when we left. Then we drove home to let out the dogs and play outside a little longer (to completely tire her out before her nap...), and of course picture time...we don't get too many days like this in MI and we've gotta take advantage of them when we can! Soak up the Vit D! We couldn't find the sleds, but Adalynn had fun just trying to walk around.
Initially, she stood still. Dang heavy boots.
Then she started to get it...she'd take a couple of stops and then start to clap. Seriously, child, do you always need an audience?

Seriously, isn't this the grossest picture ever? I captured the french kiss a little too accurately. Since Adalynn has had a cold, Banks has obsessed about licking her nose. It seems he loves snot. And will pick out tissues from the trash to tear them apart and chew. And yes, that is his tounge across her mouth. For the record: I do not approve.
So she cried again when we went inside, but it was sleepy-sleep time. I think this child would live outside if she could.

The Elusive Garage

That actually isn't quite so elusive, as it is large and in charge. Gotta tell you, Bill did an awesome job on it, and we are very thankful. I, in fact, am very thankful that I can park in the garage. Very. Thankful.

Do you see this? Cause it is amazing. Our garage is empty-ish, being used for the purpose that it was originally meant for: to keep Adalynn and I from getting cold when getting into the car.

And even though I don't have a picture of it from the deck, I will explain it for you. Close your eyes and imagine the same light tan colored siding. A continuous line from the deck steps leads to white double door containing full windows to let in the light. In the summer, the double doors will be opened as well as the front of the garage for a great, open and very manly area for Travis to work in.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Wow. It really has been a while this time. A whole month. Pooh.
And in this time period, the gargantuan garage addition has been completed (pictures to come later).
Adalynn's birthday party happened (and was a big success). Many beloved family and friends came to celebrate with us, and Adalynn opened a lot of presents.

And then dove in to her strawberry cake.

She started off neatly....

But of course dove in once she tasted the numminess.

Adalynn graciously shared her birthday gifts with the children and women of Safe Haven Ministries, and on her birthday we delivered an awesome amount of needed items to help them have a wonderful Christmas.

And last week, we went to Florida with Nana, Papa, Jerilynn, Jeff, Naomi, Daddy, Adalynn, and I. We had a great and very busy time. Saturday we flew in and took a swim in the beautiful pool. Sunday we visited Travis and Jerilynn's Uncle Tim and Aunt Sue who lived about a half hour away. Aunt Sue cooked a wonderful brunch. After, we returned to the condo and while the girls took naps Rennae, Jerilynn and I went to the outlet mall next door.
Monday, things really took off when we went to Sea World. Then, Tuesday we visited Epcot, Wednesday it was the Magic Kingdom, and Thursday we visited Sea World for short time before heading to the airport and returning home.

Jeff, John, and Travis waiting for grub at Joe's Crab Shack.

Adalynn showing off her newly gained walking skillz.

Adalynn and Naomi at the Magic Kingdom.

Adalynn and I showing off our shades while waiting for the tram.

And us again at Sea World. Cause we're cute.

Here we are in front of Cinderella's Castle. It was so very pretty lit up at night.

By the time we hit the Magic Kingdom the girls were wiped from a couple of days without naps. So they decided they should get it when they could.

Adalynn enjoyed riding Dumbo and the Carousel. We think. And mostly enjoyed the Teacups, although they spun pretty fast and she had a dazed look by the time the ride was done. The Nemo ride at Epcot was a hit, as well as the Polar Express at Sea World and Winnie the Pooh at the Magic Kingdom.

And after all this, we still love each other. Awwww.....