Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blizzard '08...again

Seriously, is this nastiness EVER going to END??? My goodness. So this was the view we woke up to this morning. Last night, Somehow, snow smashed into the window screen and promptly stuck. The winds were ferocious. Seriously not cool at all. Monstrous drifts have formed outside of our house, significantly limiting our traveling today. Travis braved the weather off to work, but Adalynn and I made the most of it. I painted the basement wall, made more wee-warmers (not wee-wee warmers, but wee-warmers, see below), and then we had ourselves a little photo shoot.

The Wall


Wee Warmers


Shed a tear with me. In my cleaning today (yes, I did do some of that too) I packed up Adalynn's bassinet. She slept in it for the first couple of months. Since, it's been sitting right where she last used it - next to our bed. I just didn't have the heart to pack it up! But today I did. I seriously almost cried.

And now for the Photo Shoot...

Grandma Mac, a family friend, made this blanket and stuffed animal for Adalynn. Isn't it amazing? Hats off to the talent!

Adalynn and Rocky

I will probably Never Ever get another shot like that again!

I was thinking about putting the photos into a slideshow, but I wanted you to be able to closely focus and contemplate the cuteness of our daughter in each and every picture for as long as you desired. I will make a slideshow later again, I'm sure. Photoshop is growing more and more fun as I'm learning how to use it. Now though, I'm thinking about new cameras. If only I hadn't lost mine from last christmas, seriously. This camera does ok, but the definition and clarity of the photos is not what I would like it to be. I'm sick of blurry baby hands!


To the peanut gallery:

Amy - Glad you are having a good time. The accomodations sound steller, and yes, it appears they have found the perfect place for the pastors to preside. Amusing....

Tiffany - Thanks for thinking of me, sorry I had to bug you the other day at work. Thanks so much for your help in a difficult situation. Much appreciated. I am NoT a SLP!

Ryan - Everyone knows I secretly yearn to have your character and charisma. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Off to work again tomorrow for the last of the week. Then on Friday I need to play catch up for what I didn't get done today. Later tater.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've made it this Far

First off, let me say: "Welcome Home Jenny!"
Travis' sister is back in the states from Korea for a short 2 week visit before returning for 5 weeks, then she's home for good! (or the end of summer, whichever comes first. But we'll take what we can get).

Becky (another sister of Travis), Jenny, and Jeff at last years Superbowl party

That'll teach ya to make faces at me, suckas....


I had so many great thoughts on the way home from work. They were sarcastic, witty, and great. But alas, I have forgotten them all. Such is life. Especially life as it looks through the 4:30am alarm...this train is rapidly running out of track. Travis offered that if I start writing about them then they will come (back). But it's not working yet.


Anyway, back to the last couple of days. Adalynn, the Princess, made her grand entrance into the world on her own time schedule. And on this schedule she remains. So, leave it to her to make the first day of work for me the first day that she sleeps through until 7am-ish. I woke up late (when my alarm went off), thinking that I would have already fed Adalynn. But I hadn't. So I raced to take care of that issue and made it out of the house by 6:25. Not bad. Ooh, ooh - so another story for ya - This morning I was up, showered, devotions done, lunch ready, pump packed, everything was going too good. So I walk out to the car - MisHap #1 - drop my lunch and the corningware container breaks. Darn. So I steal some cash from my hubby for lunch. Drive down the road, turn onto the dirt road, and go up a Pure Ice hill. (note to self - watch the news for road conditions before leaving home). Enter MisHap #2 - a van looms around the corner while I am truckin it up hill and around the same corner. So I slow down, slide to the right, AnD - wait for it - get stuck. Travis gets a frantic phone call (remember, he can't do anything, this road is PURE ICE) and I work on it and manage to get out unscathed. Reverse down the hill, back to the house, and continue on to work taking the Paved roads only.

Going back to work has it's pros and cons. Pro: I'm rakin' in the Kwan again. Ooooh yeah... Con: Missing the baby girl. Horribly. Pro: Adult conversation. Con: 1 hour commute (one way) alone. ugh. especially in relationship with the aforestated con. Pro: I am up and showered before noon. Con: Does it really have to be at 4:30am?

I do have to say though, Thank God for technology. Check out this great picture that sent me via phone-mail. I get pictures when she wakes up and again when she's dressed and dressed and ready for the day. I love it.


She is dressed and all ready for her first day to "school"! She looks good daddy!


Poor girl is all tuckered out.


K. I've run out of time trying to photoshop these pictures. It didn't work, so now you're left with the originals. How depressing. So I'm going to go paint my blues away.

Coming soon: Blues in the Basement

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Back to Work I go

As Tiffany put it so well, this weekend is "My last Weekend of Freedom". I guess I should say was, since it is now Sunday night and morning will come all too soon. Then I'll be driving in the dark the long ways to Kzoo just to put in 8 hours for "The Man". Thank God I can go back 3days a week, I don't know what I would do if I had to go back full time. I really admire people who do return to work full-time!

So, this is what I've been doing on my last day at home...

1. Bills. and organizing "my life" as it states in my little black book. If it's not in there, it doesn't exist!

2. Primed the wall downstairs that is to be painted before this weekend for Laura's wedding shower and the Superbowl party.

3. Putting together a picture album to go to work with me tomorrow.

4. Crying. Ok. Not really. But I feel like it!

5. Packing Adalynn's bag for tomorrow. I also wrote up a schedule for our neighbor who is watching her (our neighbor has a daughter who is 2 months older than Adalynn. They're going to be the best of friends.), as well as her likes/dislikes and such. Travis reviewed it and promptly stated, "It's a good thing she doesn't have a kid already..." Good thing he was just kidding!

6. Grandpa Ed and Grandma Deb came over to see Adalynn and the basement after their long motorhome trip away to Florida. We're glad they're home safe!

7. Eating dinner. My last meal. For For-E-Ver. Seriously. Travis makes this awesome shrimp with amazing seasoning. I love it.
8. Trying to put my daughter to bed. It is sooo not working!
So this week is going to be super busy. I got my ring re-sized last week because it had fallen in the trash and gotten lost, it was so loose. Oops. They are sizing it down a whole size! I guess that's what happens when you're retaining a little water when it's initially sized. So I need to pick that up, bring some paperwork into Mary Free Bed, and visit this quaint little children's shop in East Hills. (yes, this is a necessity). And I need to get stuff ready for this weekend - Laura's wedding shower and bachelorette party and the Superbowl. Hugeness!
So everyone have great weeks. I'll catch ya on the upside, hopefully, or the downside, depending on how tomorrow goes.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Really, there's not that much to say about today. It's Thursday. But I'm sitting here reading information about the Bible and Alcohol (is drinking really wrong per the Bible? I'm not thinking so...i think it's more situation specific..n-e-way...) and Travis says, "What, no blog today?" Then he says, "What, no counter on the blog?" So I put a counter on the blog and now it's not cool enough.

Just kidding hon. Gotta give you a hard time.

I really can't give him too hard of a time though, because he kindly met me at Costco today to help get groceries. And did we have to get the groceries...we are going to have enough paper towel, kleenex, and toilet paper for the next 5 years. If all of the feul runs out today, rest assured, we will have clean hands, schnozes, and tushes. I know this makes you feel better. Me too. And before Costco we met at the mall for lunch, and Old Navy was having a great sale. So we both got long sleeved t-shirts for like $2.50 a piece. And we got Adalynn some clothes for next winter too. Seriously, at 50% off of the clearance price, who could say no?

But I digress. A high point of today was meeting with Jackie, a manager at Mary Free Bed, for some orientation paperwork.

Exciting, huh?

Sorry to anyone who saw what was written here a minute ago. My dear husband hijacked my keyboard for a minute. This is why he does not have the password into the blog. I do not take responsibility for what he says or does. Really. Even though yes, I do love him very much.

My Better (if not nuttier) Half and the Sweetest Girl Ever

So I hope that everyone had a good Thursday. Thank God tomorrow is Friday! (For those of you working. For me, just another day closer to going back to work. Grrr) Peace out and sweet dreams.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Never a Dull Moment with the Masselinks

Travis and I decided to go into Costco tonight to pick up some necessities and take his dad's Lexus in to get filled up with gas. Well, it really started this afternoon when Travis went to start the car (it's been sitting in our garage since Ed and Deb are in Florida) and it wouldn't start. So Travis worked on it and got it started, we thought it was the battery and once we started rolling it would keep charging. Getting it started was the hard part, but now we were golden. So as we drove into town we were talking about how blessed we are - we have our friends and family, our health, our house, our beautiful daughter, and our vehicles work. Not more than 2 minutes later the Lexus starts to act up. The irony kills me...God definitely has a sense of humor! The battery light and check engine light came on, and the RPMs died. Soon it wouldn't even roll over. We were about 6 miles from our house in the middle of farmland with Adalynn in the backseat, and it was getting dark, and cold. A few phone calls and 1/2 hour later and John (Travis' stepfather) came to help us out. Adalynn slept through it all, nice and cozy in her car seat. Costco will have to wait.

Thanks Kelly and Dad B for picking up the phone! Thanks John for switching your plans around to help us out! We love you guys!

But, since I have you here, I might as well show off the babygirl. Yup, the SuperBaby is rolling onto her side now. She has been, actually, but this is the first I've caught it on camera.

Evidently she's practicing to model on the runway in this picture, silly girl, I have no idea what she's doing! But check out these boots...they are totally unneccesary Uggs, but yet totally fun. I take that back, they are necessary. If she wasn't wearing them tonight when the car died, her little tootsies could've frozen! But really, how great are baby Uggs? She loves to match her mommy. Now she just needs a baby Coach. :) I know what her first words are going to be...


Oh, and a peek at the "Before I Return To Work Checklist"
(honey, if I don't get these things done, does that mean I don't have to go back?!?)

1) finish the last book of the Harry Potter series. Seriously, I haven't yet (pathetic) due to pregnancy hormones. It got intense and I couldn't handle it!! This book was great! Just ask my husband, who tried to talk to me unsuccessfully as I read it. I didn't hear a word the poor guy said. 2) get my CIMI (certified infant massage instructor) certification. It's in the works, just have to train one more mom. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered. Sweet. Hopefully I'll hear back soon on it.

Crap. Another look makes me realize that they're done.


I think we have a superbaby on our hands, folks. Check out what Adalynn did yesterday.

Ok, so maybe not so much a superbaby as a chunk-o-lunk-this-is-my-food-hands-off kinda girl.

And why is it that you have the best picture ever and then the darn camera acts up? I love this smile...

But definately wish she wasn't quite as fuzzy. But alas, It is what it is.

One more to brighten your morning. (Well, maybe not, I'm in this one).

She fell asleep on me and it was cute. Disregard the funky hair though, that's my last haircut that I thought went as planned until I styled it. Now its froufy (yes, that's a word) and Uck. But until I can come up with something better, I'm stuck with it. Any ideas?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

5 For Fighting

One more thing for today.
Every time this video is viewed I guess they donate .40 cents to Autism Speaks.
It really is a great song and video.
I miss my kiddos!

Some Cool Things

I know, I already posted once today. But I'm addicted to Babycenter and one of the moms started a thread about blogs so I've been checking out other peoples' blogs today. I found some really cool stuff and want to pass it along.


I could get addicted to this. Go to this website. Click on the answer that best describes the word. For each word right, they will donate 20 grains of rice through the United Nations to help end world hunger.


I don't think I've posted about it before, but it is a bunch of awesome arts and crafts. There are some very unique and creative things. Very cool.


Think that's it for now. Adios.

Happy Birthday Nik!

Travis' nephew Nik turned 10 this past weekend so we got together and had pizza and cake in his honor. He is a great kid who loves football and sports, and he is a big help with his siblings. Happy Birthday Nik!

Nik, Caleb, and Keagan


Jerilyn, Adalynn, Rennae, and Naomi

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I blame this nostalgia on my impending return to work. Background: when I was young I used to want to me Laura Ingalls Wilder. Seriously. I wanted to live-on-the-plains and be she-who-rides-horses and live in an underground house. I even had the dress. Fast forward to the future: now, I sometime also wish for a simpler life(I'm all for in-home plumbing, but really, horses for transportation would rock my world). I would love to wake up and see my daughter and husband and without the impediment of modern technology (alarm clocks suck), but instead lots and lots of hugs. I don't want to be on the computer daily, or watch TV 24-7. I don't want to drive miles with a phone in my ear. Even our Wii, as cool as it is, sometimes I would give it all up for a upstairs apartment or cozy little home in the city where we can walk to work, get groceries on our way home, and smile and wave at friends we meet on the way. My fave living arrangement was a small apartment in the Nashville ghetto where I biked to work (occasionally, but was only a couple miles away), ran daily with the pups, frequented eclectic coffee shops on foot, and really enjoyed the town that I lived in. I just wonder, if all of this 'stuff' is what God had intended? Does it really let us 'live-in-this-very-moment' to any fuller extent than before we had it all? I know it makes it harder for me. I get caught up in 'things' of life too easily, something that I'm really working on changing since I've had Adalynn. I want to savor every moment of her being and growing. It's scary, to think that last Thursday at her 2month Dr appt she was 12.1lbs already, 22 some inches. Pretty soon she'll walking, then off to kindergarten, then college, then...ugh, I don't even want to think about it! But, thank God, she isn't that old yet. Now I just have to simplify...somehow. cause right now life is moving too fast!


I have recently become friends with my sewing machine. It rocks, and really isn't as tempermental as I thought it was a couple of years ago. Maybe it just had to grow out of it's terrible 2s. There are these mini legwarmers for chilluns called "babylegs". They are very fun. And I've learned how to sew them! Enjoy Adalynn showing off hers...

She's doing her "see no evil" pose. And I've also made a kick a** mini diaper/wipe holder bag thing. So I don't know what to call it, but it's great.
(stay at home mom? for those who are not up on their mommie lingo) I would love to be. But only because this 'vacation' that maternity leave is supposed to be is not, but very busy instead. Our latest venture is finishing our basement. Here's some before and during pictures. Hopefully by the end of the year there will be some 'almost finished' pictures.

My laundry room before


During (and my hubby and his drywalling job)



and after drywall...


so paint is still coming, but in the meantime, we're having fun with it. stay tuned for more pictures once we get paint on it. (we're thinking light ice blue for the rec area, light yellow for the laundry room. but anyone have any other ideas?)


K. Gotta run and feed the dear daughter. Adios and love!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm 8 weeks old!!!

We're giving out smiles today. :)
Adalynn seems to tuck her smile away everytime the camera comes out. She's not shy yet, but when the camera is around she fixates on it. Of course, it won't smile back at her or make funny faces, so she just stares...and stares...and stares. But I tricked her today, and got a few good ones.

I don't understand how it takes so many more muscles to frown then smile, and yet it's easier to frown as I grow older. It's amazing how smiles light up those around us, can easily change my day and attitude, even if it was forced in the moment. How do smiles have such a powerful force in our lives? Smiles from my husband let me know he's happy and content where he's at. Smiles from my daughter let me know that she's having fun and isn't letting this big 'ole world overtake her. Smiles from strangers let me know there is good in this world yet. I really need to smile more. Here's one for you :)

Good things make me smile too - like *smiles* to my wonderful husband for watching Adalynn yesterday so I could get a haircut and break my unibrow back into 2. I am human again! and *smiles* to for my cute new header! and *smiles* to for great music to dance with my daughter to! Ok, I think that's about it for today. Wow, I think that just displayed how incredibly addicted to the internet I am. Time to go get out of my pjs and face the world.....grrrrr.....

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sorry, Travis just pointed out that "I did not use the whole song". Guilty. It would have been too big to upload I think, but also (and most importantly), I'm leaving room for other family and friend's pictures! So there. I'm not crazy! (and really, then end of the song is the best, so Bring It!)

Adalynn's First Slideshow

So I got Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 yesterday and am obsessed with it. Travis got Cabellas Big Game Hunter for the Wii (can't wait for the gun to ramp it up), and was playing that yesterday while I was fooling with the Photoshop. Poor Adalynn, not neglected, but she was not happy for a while unless getting direct eye contact!! Who's the spoiled baby? :) That's how we like it! I want to share my first creation, hopefully I can get it to upload right. It features Adalynn from birth until now, alone and with family. (I Don'T have all of the family in here, so if do not see yourself *please* don't be offended. I just need a really *great* picture of you with Adalynn!)

Although Michigan is cold, dreary, and unimaginative most of the time, one of the most elemental reasons for living here is that Adalynn can grow up really *knowing* her grandmas and grandpas, nanas and papas, aunts and uncles and cousins. For this, we are grateful and blessed.


The Last Baby Shower

On Tuesday night, 1.8.07, we had our last baby shower. Travis and I (and Adalynn) have been attending Green Lake Calvary since August, when we moved into our house. This church is the most welcoming and loving church, rivaling Woodmont Baptist that I attending in TN. They have a really fabulous Young Marrieds class that has led to us meeting some really great couples. (and a Wii marathon last night until midnight, totally worth it!!) Anyway, I am rambling...(it's Sat morning, give me a break!) So it was a joint baby shower for Chelsea who is due in 2 weeks and Adalynn, and was thrown by our church (Thank You Heidi and Val! It was fabulous!) Adalynn got many *CuTe* outfits and a giftcard to Target let her get "Baby's first MP3 player" (so Trav calls it, he's pretty proud of it). And yes, it is totally necessary.


And What Day Is It Today?

Vanderbilt Men's Bball Plays On ESPN!!!

And I *so* can not wait....

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

Masselink Christmas Party

Whew! This is a long goes...

On Saturday we hosted the annual Masselink christmas party...last christmas party of the season!! The big gift of the day was to the boys of the family. A trip down to MIS (Michigan Speedway) to do some "Track Time" with actual race cars. We can't wait to go watch! Adalynn got a beautiful sweater hand knit by Great-grandma Lynn, as well as toys, books, and a cute sleeper. She slept nearly the whole time and loved being held by Great-grandma Lynn and Grandpa Ed.

Thanks, everyone, for such a great Christmas time. We are so blessed to be able to spend time with those we love and who love us. Thank God for these times to make splendid memories.

Catch Up Pictures...

Ok, so I have some pictures to post to catch up on what else has been going on.

1. Last Friday, 1.4.o7, Adalynn got her first stroller ride outside while I got to run. It feels so good to be back on the road.

2. Last Thursday (ok, so these are Not in chronological order!) Adalynn's cousins, Nik, Caleb, and Keagan came over to play for the day, and then our friends Sarah and Josh brough Josh's son Kaleb over to play as well. Nik and Caleb sledded with Uncle T while the girls napped and watched Dora. Then, at night we went to Chuck E Cheese. (that was wild). All of the kids were fabulous and had a good time. Nik and Caleb are such good big brothers!

3. The Adalynn Picture of the Day...using her walker for the first time! K, so maybe her feet don't touch the ground yet, but she'll grow into it.

Just one more thing....the dreaded 'return to work day' is 1.28.07. I'm very thankful that I only have to go back part time, but it's going to be hard! Before I return though, I have some things I need to do. Like 1) finish the last book of the Harry Potter series. Seriously, I haven't yet (pathetic) due to pregnancy hormones. It got intense and I couldn't handle it!! 2) get my CIMI (certified infant massage instructor) certification. It's in the works, just have to train one more mom. While I'm listing things I want to 2008 my resolutions are to 1) run another half marathon - would love to do the rock 'n' roll in Nashville again, or maybe this fall in W. Virginia. 2) get more involved at church, read the Bible in a year (our young marrieds class is doing this). 3) conduct some infant massage classes. 4) continue the monthly 'saturday morning breakfast club'. love ya girls! 5) help Trav finish the basement. and to have some awesome bonfires. and to enjoy our house. and spend time 'in the present' with Adalynn and Travis. and other friends and family!

Here's to 2008!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

To ring in the New Year we headed up to Travis' mom and stepdad's cabin in Manistee (it's becoming our New Years tradition). We had a great time relaxing, shopping, sledding, and eating with John and Rennae. Adalynn even got her first toenail polishing! (yes, it takes 2 to polish the little toes!) My brother, Ryan, and mom came up for New Year's Eve and Ryan brought up the Wii he had found for us. (he has an amazing knack for being able to locate "high demand" items randomly! lucky guy...) 8 hours of Wii later and along came 2008. Even Adalynn was up for her first New Years! Poor girl, she's a trooper with all of the traveling we've had to do this holiday season. Isn't she going to LoVe this picture when she's older?!? (no babies were harmed in the making of this picture...)

A Great New Find...

We found this amazing clock in Manistee while shopping. Random, but fun!

Friday, January 4, 2008


Welcome to the blog of a Cara, created most importantly to share an embarassingly great amount of pictures of the cutest little girl ever. And because the new year calls for new fun. So, this blog will account numerous happenings of me, my husband Travis, and our little girl Adalynn Reeves.

For further introduction, here are some things I love:
1. My husband Travis. Don't know what I'd do without him...awww....

2. My daughter, Adalynn Reeves. She is quite fabulous, if I can say so myself. She is 6 weeks and 6 days old today, currently smiling on the couch next to me.

3. Furry friends Banks and Rocky. Banks is a Catahoula, born 11.03. Rocky is Australian Shepherd, born 7.05 (? Think that's right). They are quite nuts, but we love them. Banks is a stubborn, independent baby face while Rocky is a neurotic, into-everybody's-business watchdog.
Gotta run, said daughter just spit up....ewwww!!! :) Talk to ya soon.